The Chapelle color palette can be used in any combination but the primary colors should always be the dominant colors in any design. Black and white must always be accompanied with primary colors. Accent colors should be used with a white background.
The Chapelle crest is the primary logo for usage on all branded items. The crest and chipmunk are considered stand alone brand logos and should
not be used together on any designs. Chapelle crest can be converted to other primary shades of green or white, as needed.
The Chapelle tyopgraphy includes 3 approved font families plus one additional font for athletics. These fonts can be used in any combination but paragraph and detailed text should always be Monserrat for ease of reading. All fonts can be used for headers.
Used for:
Headers, large typeface needs. Looks great bold and itialized.
Polished and Feminine
Used for:
Headers or promotional items. Looks great bold and used for emphasis.
Modern and Chic
Used for:
Paragraph text or headers in all caps. Great for flyers or print materials with lots of details.
Clear and Informational
The Chapelle Athletics Department does maintain a seperate brand kit. The Athletic
is the official logo and can be accompianed with Serpentine fonts for specific sports or descriptions, i.e.
C Softball. Teams will used the approved brand on uniforms and promo.
Need additional assistance?
Contact Jamie Hanzo '17 | Director of Marketing & Public Relations or 504-467-3105