Fine Arts


For more info, contact:

Sarah Bachemin, Fine Arts Department Chair

  • Art

    Art I-A

    8th-12th Grade

    Credit: 0.5

    • This semester course is a beginning art course exploring the elements and principles of design through drawing, painting and sculpture projects. It includes, but is not limited to, pen and ink drawing, shaded pencil drawing, acrylic painting, and clay sculpture. There is no prerequisite for this course.

    Art I-B

    8th-12th Grade

    Credit: 0.5 

    • This semester course is a beginning art course exploring the elements and principles of design through drawing, painting, and sculpture projects. It includes, but is not limited to:  printmaking, perspective drawing, drawing people and objects from life, and oil pastel drawing. There is no prerequisite for this course.

    Art II-A

    9th-12th Grade

    Credit: 0.5

    • This semester course is an intermediate art course exploring creative art and design through such projects as a pen and ink illustration, pencil portraiture, and acrylic paintings.  Art I-A or Art I-B is a prerequisite for this course. 

    Art II–B

    9th-12th Grade

    Credit 0.5

    • This semester course is an intermediate art course exploring creative art and design through such projects charcoal and chalk pastel drawing, linoleum printmaking, and cut paper portraiture.  Art I-A or Art I-B is a prerequisite for this course.


    Art III-A

    9th-12th Grade

    Credit: 0.5  

    • This semester course is an advanced art course exploring student creativity through various media, including colored pencil drawing, portrait drawing, and mixed media. Art I-A/B or Art II-A/B is a prerequisite for this course.

    Art III-B

    9th-12th Grade

    Credit: 0.5  

    • This semester course is an advanced art course exploring student creativity through various media, including watercolor painting, Japanese Semi-e painting, drawing from life and other projects of choice.  Art I-A/B or Art II-A/B is a prerequisite for this course.

    Art IV-A

    9th-12th Grade 

    Credit: 0.5

    • This semester course is an introductory course exploring the elements and principles of design through digital art media. Students explore such subjects as digital photography and studio lighting, digital editing and photo manipulation, vector graphics for use in the Glowforge, graphic design for corporate identity and advertisement.  No prerequisites are required

    Art IV-B

    9th-12th Grade 

    Credit: 0.5

    • This semester course is an introductory course exploring the elements and principles of design through non-traditional studio art media. Students explore such subjects as papermaking, book binding, quilling (rolled paper collage), wood burning, glass painting and sculpture.  No prerequisites are required. 

    AP 2-D Art and Design 

    11th-12th Grade

    Credit: 1.0

    • Students are given the opportunity to earn college credit in this yearlong advanced placement course. The course enables students to develop a portfolio of original, high quality work that demonstrates mastery in concept, composition and execution of ideas in the area of 2D Design. Students will create 15 related, original works with a focus on in-depth, inquiry-based art and design making for the “Sustained Investigation” portion of the portfolio. Students will create 5 high-quality, original works of art that are not part of their sustained investigation for the “Selected Works” portion of the portfolio. In addition to making art for the portfolio, students will conduct research and document their practice, experimentation and revision during the art-making process, which will also be submitted in their portfolio. Although there is no specific prerequisite, prior experience in studio art that address conceptual, technical, and critical thinking skills is required in order to support student success in this program.

  • Band

    Band: Beginning

    8th-12th Grade

    Credit: 1.0

    • This yearlong course is open to students in all grade levels. Participation in the course requires no previous experience in music. The course is a beginning instrumental ensemble class designed for students to perform on a wind or a percussion instrument. The class utilizes a sequential method of instruction that reinforces proper instrumental techniques. Instruments are provided for a small rental fee. Following one year of Beginning Band, students are eligible for the Advanced Band. Required performances include the Christmas Concert, Spring Concert, and participation in one marching band event during fall semester. There is no prerequisite for this course.

    Band: Advanced 

    8th-12th Grade

    Credit: 1.0

    • This yearlong course, open to all grade levels, is an opportunity to participate in a coeducational program with Archbishop Rummel High School. Students perform a variety of band literature while building a foundation of individual and ensemble performance skills. The Raider Band performs at annual local and state festivals, athletic events, concerts and Mardi Gras parades. Students may also opt to perform in the Jazz Band. After-school activities and rehearsals are required and are integral to the course. Students must successfully complete Beginning Band or successfully try out prior to enrolling in this course.

    Advanced Band Honors 

    12th Grade

    Credit:  1.0

    • This class is offered to seniors who have been involved in band their entire high school career. To earn the honor credit students will audition for district and all state honor band, learn a specialized solo piece, and perform it at a spring performance and work on a project/paper of the teacher’s choosing regarding a piece in the music world.

  • Chorus


    8th-12th Grade

    Credit: 0.5 or 1.0

    • This semester course, open to all grade levels, is designed for students at any class level who may have limited experience in choral singing. No prior music experience or knowledge is necessary to enroll in this course. Students will learn vocal technique, sight-singing, and singing in unison and two parts. They will be exposed to basic music theory and major composers and time periods of music. Students will perform in a concert at the end of the semester. Students who wish to audition for Advanced Choir (Chorale) should take this course first. This course may be taken more than once. 

    Advanced Chorale

    8th-12th Grade

    Credit: 1.0 

    • This yearlong course is open to students who have successfully completed Beginning and Intermediate Choir and who have auditioned for and been selected for the choir. Students learn advanced music theory topics and achieve a high level of vocal technique, sight-singing, and solo performance. The choir performs challenging choral music at various events throughout the school year, including two school concerts and concerts outside of class in the wider community.

  • Fine Arts Survey

    Fine Arts Survey

    8th-12th Grade

    Credit: 1.0

    • This year-long course is designed to study the evolution of Art and Music through the historical periods. Students study the basic elements, terminology, and masterworks of artists/composers in the visual and performing arts. Students create artistic and musical projects to enhance their learning of fine arts and are encouraged to attend community cultural events that have teacher approval. There is no prerequisite for this course.

  • DE Music Appreciation

    Dual Enrollment Courses (DE)

    DE Music Appreciation 

    9th – 12th Grade

    Credit:  0.5

    • This course is offered each semester. It provides an appreciation and analysis from the viewpoint of the listener of representative works in Western art tradition, covering for example, selected masterworks of Bach, Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Bartok, and Stravinsky. No previous knowledge of or about music is required.

  • Drama

    Drama I - Part I

    8th-12th Grade

    Credit: 0.5

    • This semester course is aimed at students with an interest in the performing arts. Topics of study include introductions to theatre history, stage blocking, monologues, and improvisation. Reading, writing, rehearsing, and memorizing are vital to success in this course. Play attendance and critique are required each quarter. Contribution on some level to the school play is also required. There is no prerequisite for this elective.

    Drama I – Part II

    8th-12th Grade

    Credit: 0.5

    • This semester course is aimed at students with an interest in the performing arts. In this course each student will be building on the skills that she learned in Drama I. Topics of study include principles of ensemble acting, costume design, scenic design, and a continuation of theatre history. Reading, writing, rehearsing, and memorizing are vital to success in this course. Play attendance and critique are required each quarter. Contribution on some level to the school play is also required. Drama I is the prerequisite for this elective.

  • TV Production

    TV Production I 

    10th-12th Grade

    Credit: 0.5

    • This course provides opportunities for students to develop skills in the history of television; basic video camera operation; post-production skills in editing; script-writing and story-boarding; skills in direction and production of video projects. After successfully completing this course, the student will exhibit knowledge of the history of television; identify and describe camera components; operate a video camera; plan, script and storyboard a video project in order to complete post-production of a video project.  There are no prerequisites for this course. 

    TV Production II  

    10th-12th Grade

    Credit: 0.5 

    • The purpose of this course is to exhibit the ability to apply advanced skills in television in the planning, directing, and recording of television type programs, dialogue for a television program, and demonstrate the ability to produce 5-minute television programs. The student will learn to write, produce, direct, and edit a variety of television programming; use of appropriate equipment, and adherence to production deadlines; find solutions for unexpected problems which arise in a production situation; specialize in one or more areas of television production. TV Production I is the prerequisite for this course.

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