Living &
Learning our Faith
To the Chapelle community, Deus Providebit…God Will Provide, is much more than a motto. It is a way of life rooted in the Catholic Faith. Our Lady of Prompt Succor…hasten to help us, is an intercession that is prayed after every prayer on campus because Mary is our patroness, our model, and our spiritual mother. Truly, Christ is the reason for our school. He is the foundation for our administrators, faculty, and students, and the Chapelle family strives to glorify God in all we do.
Our school invites all students into an authentically Catholic atmosphere where they are challenged to deepen their faith, advance in knowledge of the truths of Catholicism, and grow in virtue. Through our annual class retreats, to our daily Sacraments or prayer opportunities, our students are constantly being invited into a life with Christ.
Students encounter Christ daily in their Theology classes. Not only do teachers guide students to a deeper knowledge of Jesus and the Catholic faith in the classroom, but they also teach students how to have a personal relationship with Christ through prayer and weekly visits to the Chapel.
Quarterly Campus Ministry nights provide a time for fun, fellowship, and a deepening of the faith. Nights are planned by our students on the Campus Ministry Leadership Team and bring together over 100 students who choose to come to grow deeper in prayer and community. Each night includes dinner, games and fellowship, a talk or testimony, and Adoration & Confession. All Chapelle students are invited!
Each year, every grade level dedicates time away from their daily routine to encounter God in a new and meaningful way. Students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grades participate in overnight retreats, while students in 8th and 9th grade participate in a day long retreat.
Through events such as the NOLA Catholic Youth Conference, the National March for Life in Washington D.C., and a Mission Trip to Belize, students have the opportunity to take big steps to grow spiritually and to witness to their Catholic faith.
Coming soon...
Everyday, students have time for prayer or the Sacraments available to them in the Chapel to encounter Christ in a deeper way: daily Mass, Communion Services, the Rosary, Bible Study, and Adoration. Masses are celebrated as an entire school community on a monthly basis.
Every Thursday, students have the opportunity to attend Mass during S period to give the students and faculty an opportunity to encounter Jesus through the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
Communion Services are offered twice a week, Tuesday and Wednesday, in the morning at 7:30 A.M. in the Chapel. This is a great way to start your day in prayer!
On Marian Feast Days, students gather to pray the Rosary in the Marian Grotto during the first half of lunch.
On Friday mornings at 7:30 A.M. in Ms. Lannan’s office, students are invited to gather together in community to pray with Scripture and prepare for this Sunday’s Mass!
On the first Friday of every month, all students and faculty are invited to adore the Lord in the chapel all throughout lunch. This is a great opportunity to sit before Jesus and spend time with him in prayer!