Located in the St. Joan of Arc Center, the Archbishop Chapelle High School Library is a vibrant learning center staffed by two full-time personnel readily available throughout the school day. All library staff members work to foster student growth in the effective use of information resources.
Our Mission
The mission of the Chapelle Library is to provide students with a wide range of print and non-print resources and to teach them to use these resources effectively. Students receive individual and group instruction on the effective location, evaluation and utilization of all media. The library collection includes over 25,000 books, approximately 1500 videos and DVD’s and numerous online databases, all readily available for student use in the library, in the classroom and at home.
Library Hours
Open Monday - Friday, 7:00am - 3:30pm
For more information, contact:
Tihana Zschiesche, Librarian
EBSCO: Research Databases
Select Explora for Secondary Schools. This is the new EBSCO interface where you will perform a subject search. EBSCO has over 20 databases covering a wide range of topics for all subject areas.
World Book
Login and password will be provided at school. Select Advanced Search. Perform a keyword/subject search of your topic.
Jefferson Parish Public Library
Use your library card for access to public library resources.
Gale Database
The Gale database includes over 13 popular products students can use for their researching needs. These digital offerings include everything from reference materials to magazines and newspapers. They can easily be accessed by our students anytime, anywhere, and on any device.
American Catholic
St. Anthony Messenger, resources for the spirit, saints of the day, minute meditations, Catholic news, Catholic questions.
Catholic Answers
Catalog, support, search, library, radio, magazines, newspapers.
Catholic Family Catalog
Resources, products from audios to young adult books.
Catholic Net
Global and US news, church documents, topics, prayers, newspaper and magazine rack
Catholic News Service
Headlines, news briefs, stories, etc.
Catholic Online
World news and headlines, site of the week, question of the week, saints and angels, shopping, organizations
EWTN: Global Catholic Network
Faith, news, television, multimedia, libraries, gallery, special site