PUBLISHED ON March 7, 2025
2025-2026 School Shoe Information
The new shoe policy will go into effect next year. ALL students must purchase the new shoe. Doc Martens and Eastlands are no longer part of the uniform. The shoe may be purchased at Ponseti's and is called School Issue Semester-Tan suede.
A picture of the shoe and a copy of the flier with all of the information on purchasing is attached. Ponseti's has been wonderful to work with! Please do not hesitate to contact my office if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Remembering always....Deus Providebit..God Will Provide
Mrs. Dantagnan '88
For the safety of our Chapelle students, faculty and staff, we have upgraded the campus gate system. Beginning on Tuesday, January 21, the perimeter of Chapelle’s campus will be secured daily from 8:30am – 2:45pm. Access to campus will be through the Montana Avenue gate (near the flagpole) during the school day. You must pull up to the Montana Avenue touchpad and press the silver button to speak with front office. Once you have identified yourself, the gate will be opened for you to enter campus. You must come directly to the front office after parking. When exiting campus, pull directly up to the same gate. As you approach the gate, it will automatically open, and it will automatically close after you exit. Thank you for your patience as we continue to focus on the safety of our campus.
Thank you for entrusting your daughters in our care.
Mrs. Dantagnan
Lenten Mass
On Thursday, March 13th at 10:25am Chapelle will celebrate our Lenten Mass.
Please read the following Mass reminders:
Grandparent's Treat Day
Grandparent's Treat Day will be on Tuesday, March 11. Don't forget to bring some money to purchase some yummy treats. Also, remember to thank the grandparents for their support.
Winter Athletic Awards Banquet
The Winter Athletic Awards Banquet is Wednesday, March 12 at 6:30pm in the cafeteria. The following sports will be honored: basketball, soccer and powerlifting. Please read the dress guidelines below.
Dress Guidelines for Awards Banquet
Ambassador Applications
Available: Wednesday, March 12th in Mrs. Pierce's Office
DUE: Friday, March 28th by 3PM in Mrs. Pierce's Office
Once applications have been received, Mrs. Pierce will contact all NEW applicants to schedule their Ambassador Interview between April 7-16.
An Archbishop Chapelle High School Ambassador is an example of a well-rounded Chapelle student spiritually, academically and socially. Being an Ambassador is a prestigious honor and should not be taken lightly. Ambassadors are an extension of the Chapelle recruitment process, as they are often the first contact with a potential student and their families at events. A Chapelle Ambassador loves her school and her community, and strives to represent the best example of Chapelle at all times.
Chapelle Ambassadors will be required to perform the following activities to retain their Ambassador membership:
General Requirements:
Summer Requirements:
ACHS Easter Chippity Hop - Saturday, March 22. 2025
Hop over to Chapelle for our Easter Chippity Hop! This exciting event, presented by our Chapelle alumnae, will get you and your family EGG-cited for the Easter season, right here on Chapelle's campus. Similar to our annual Breakfast with Santa, your little ones will get to enjoy various fun activities, eat delicious breakfast, and so much more. Make sure to bring your cameras because we will have Chippy available to snap pictures with all the adorable kiddos. We can't wait to celebrate Easter with our Chapelle family!
Click link below to register:
Senior Yearbook Ads
Congratulate your senior and express your pride and love with an ad in the 2025 yearbook! Click here for more information.
Class of 2025 End of Year Packet
End of Year Cafeteria Refunds/Transfers
Winter Weather Apparel in the Bookstore
Stay warm and stylish this winter with these PE joggers available in sizes medium to 2xl, paired perfectly with a crisp white Friday sweatshirt available in sizes medium to 3xl. Embrace the cold weather and fight the chill in comfort and fashion.
Winter Weather Attire at School
IMPORTANT: The uniform fleece purchased from the bookstore MUST be monogrammed in white. The monogram can be last name, first and last name, or first initial and last name. Name monogramming on the fleece should be on the student’s right side with the crest on the left. Students have until Monday, December 12 to have their fleece monogrammed.
The Word
Click the following link to access The Word:
2025 Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy
FBI New Orleans, The Tulane University Police Department, and the Louisiana Chapter of the FBI National Academy are proud to announce the introduction of the 2025 Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy (FLEYA) to Louisiana. Two of the nation’s most notable and iconic institutions will conduct law enforcement and legal training for selected youth from the State of Louisiana.
The FLEYA training program will be a FREE weeklong overnight camp exposing students (15 to 17 years of age) to federal, state and local law enforcement practices. This joint effort promotes law enforcement career paths by giving the selected youths an inside look at the various practices and techniques as taught by subject matter experts and agency instructors. Tulane’s Uptown campus will serve as the home base for an academic environment with the premier atmosphere to encourage students to pursue higher education and careers in law enforcement.
Link to information and application can be found on the FBI New Orleans website under COMMUNITY OUTREACH TAB
-Student is a United States Citizen residing in the state of Louisiana
-Student is currently enrolled in a Louisiana High School
-Student must be 15 to 17 years old at the time of the Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy (FLEYA), which will be held June 1-6, 2025.
-This program is only for current high school students (students graduating high school in the spring 2025, are not eligible)
-Student minimum GPA of 2.7
-Student must complete the entire application
-Student understands they must be present each day of the FLEYA program; no absences during FLEYA
-Completed application and essay must be emailed in PDF form to (Note: No Google Docs or applications requiring a password to access will be accepted.)
Deadline to apply is 2/28/2025
How to access a report card for the current school year.
Parents & Guardians,
When report cards are emailed each quarter, there is a link for you to access the report card. That link is only active for 2 weeks.
You are always able to access your daughter's most recent report card for the current school year through the FACTS Family Portal.
These are the directions on how to access a report card:
Extra Help for students with questions on any SARA™ content (Students access through their SARA™ accounts)
Sundays 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Mondays 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Tuesdays 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Wednesdays 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Thursdays 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Fridays 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Saturdays 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Information on how to access you lesson plans. There are two links. One link will show how to access lesson plans through parents web, and one will show how to students can access lesson through their FACTS account. If you have any questions or are not able to see your lesson plans, please email Mr. Wooderson at
Helping Students View Lesson Plans
Peer Tutoring Information
Attention Students! If you're looking for a peer tutor from an NHS or NJHS student, please fill out the form below. You will meet with your tutor once a week during S period.
Last year, we partnered with Hallow, an amazing online resource for prayer that the students can use in the classroom and in their own personal lives! Having Hallow was a great opportunity that I know many of our students took advantage of. Between the faculty, staff, and students, the Archbishop Chapelle community prayed over 11,000 prayers on Hallow last year!
I am happy to say that we are partnering with Hallow again this year! Every single student will have full access to a Hallow account through their achschipmunks email. They should have, or soon will be receiving an email from Hallow with more information on how to log into their accounts. The students can access Hallow through the web browser on their chromebooks, or they can also download the app on their smartphones if they have one. We will be using Hallow in the Theology classes this year, so it is important that every student knows how to access their accounts.
Parents, Hallow also generously offers a free trial for you! Be on the lookout for more information in the future!
If you have any questions about Hallow, please contact Mr. Gavin Matherne.
Know that we are praying for you!
Service Hour Opportunities
Service Hours:
Attention all Students
The only requirement to be met for Service Hours this year is:
5 hours Community (our Make a Difference Day met this requirement)
5 hours Chapelle (most of you worked Open House so you met this requirement)
Your Mobileserve account should show your Make a Difference Day. If it does not, see Mrs. Capaci.
Your Open House hours will be posted by Mrs. Capaci before Christmas.
The “due date” for all service hours if April 15, 2025.
If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Capaci (
Laketown Village
Assisted Living
1600 Joe Yenni Blvd
Kenner, LA 70065
Service Hours Offered to help Organize Library
A schedule can be set for time of work
Sister Paula (504/214-8800)
This year, Chapelle has partnered with MobileServe, an online service to record and track service hours! We are excited to use MobileServe help us record and track every student's required service hours throughout the year. The students should have, or will be receiving an email directly from MobileServe with information on how to log into their accounts. Please see the attached flyer for more information! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Brenda Capaci.
All Chapelle Home Game Tickets Must
Be Purchased on
All regular season home game tickets must be purchased through GoFan platform. Currently volleyball season passes are on sale. Individual game tickets will be available starting next week. Cash will not be taken at the door, however tickets can be purchased at the door through the app or with a credit card.
Upcoming College Visits on Chapelle’s Campus
All students welcome. Visits will take place in the Counseling Office during lunch and/or Period S. If you would like to attend the presentation during Period S, please see/email Mrs. Reeg before the visit for a pass.
Save the Date
College Counseling Parent Events
College Planning Meeting for Freshman Parents
April 7, 2025
6:00pm in the cafeteria
Bullying/Harassment Policy
Bullying is a distinctive pattern of repeatedly and deliberately harming and humiliating others and is characterized by a power imbalance between the two parties. Bullying includes, but is not limited to physical or verbal aggression, relational aggression, or emotional aggression (teasing, threatening, and intimidating others). Relational aggression (RA), is a form of indirect bullying that uses social relationships to manipulate or harm others, such as isolating a student from her group of friends (social exclusion), threatening to stop talking to a friend (the ''silent treatment''), or spreading gossip and rumors. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, slurs, jokes, comments, or other offensive conduct relating to race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic. Bullying, relational aggression (including cyber-bullying), and harassment will not be tolerated. Please use the forms below to report bullying.
Featured Posts
Parents Club &
Prom Fest Meetings
Monday, April 7, 2025
Grandparents Club
Treat Days & Meetings
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
2024-2025 School Year
Important Dates
August 9 Check In Day (Mandatory - ALL STUDENTS)
August 12 First Day of School for ALL students (7 periods)
August 30 Holiday (No School)
Sept. 2 Labor Day Holiday (NO SCHOOL)
Sept. 24-25 Senior Retreat
October 9-11 Exams
Nov. 8 Holiday (NO SCHOOL)
Nov. 13 8th Grade Retreat
Nov. 25-29 Thanksgiving Holidays (NO SCHOOL)
Dec. 5-6 Junior Retreat
Dec. 18-20 Exams
Dec. 23-Jan 3 Christmas Holidays (NO SCHOOL)
Jan. 6 All return
Jan. 20 MLK Holiday (NO SCHOOL)
Feb. 5 and 6*** Freshman Retreat
March 3-7 Mardi Gras Holidays (NO SCHOOL)
March 19-21 Exams
March 27-28 Sophomore Retreat
April 17 Holy Thursday (No School)
April 18 Good Friday (No School)
April 21-23 Easter Holidays (No School)
May 21-23 Exams
***Freshman Retreat will be an evening retreat, starting after school and ending around 9pm. The freshman class will be divided into two groups based on their Theology classes, with each group attending retreat only one of the nights. All freshmen will have off on Friday, Feb. 7, as their retreat holiday.
Dates are subject to change.
Important Carpool Information
The carpool map is located above in the section titled "Stay in the Know".
Forms for Physicals
Athletic Participation-Parental Permission Form
Substance Abuse-Misuse Contract
Cafeteria Updates
High School $3.00
High School $4.25
Salad Bar with Potato $5.00
Personal Pan Pizza $5.00
New Year Prayer
God, thank you for a new year. May everyone in our family be willing to begin anew with a clean slate. We know that you are always ready to forgive us. Help us to be willing to forgive ourselves and to forgive one another. As we begin a new year, remind us of our truest values and our deepest desires. Help us to live in the goodness that comes from doing what you want us to do. Help us to put aside anxiety about the future and the past, so that we might live in peace with you now, one day at a time.
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