Legacy Mass
We would like to invite all of our Alumnae mothers, grandmothers, sisters and aunts, to our annual Legacy Mass. The mass will be held on Thursday, October 19 at 10:15AM.
PUBLISHED ON October 6, 2023
We would like to offer you the perfect opportunity to advertise your company and support your daughter's school at the same time by sponsoring our
2023 Chipmunk Classic. On Monday, October 30th nearly 200 golfers will gather at Chateau Golf & Country Club for some fun on the fairway. Don't miss your chance to have your name featured on the course.
Be A Good Neighbor
Please do not block the driveways of neighbors or businesses. Also, we have had calls about speeding and student speeding in the neighborhood. Please discuss this with your daughter. I spoke with the students at morning assembly. The neighbors have said they will alert police if the matter continues.
Exam Day Information for October 16-18
Fall Test Day Information
Our Fall Test Day is October 11th! ALL students will be testing. Please see below for the grade and what test they will be taking. If you have any questions, please contact Laura Chimento at lchimento@archbishopchapelle.org. More information will come about each test in the following weeks.
8th Grade- Digital PSAT 8/9
9th Grade- Digital PSAT 8/9
10th Grade- Digital PSAT/NMSQT
11th Grade- Digital PSAT/NMSQT
12th Grade- ASVAB - Career Exploration Test
Pink Week 2023 October 23-26
Click HERE to find out all that is happening for Pink Week 2023.
VOOBOO 2023 October 31
On VOOBOO you can wear the 2023 STUCO shirt or a Chapelle shirt with shorts, athletic skirts, leggings or jeans and tennis shoes. Shorts and athletic skirts must be finger tip in length. This will be checked. If leggings are worn, your shirt must cover your backside or wear something around your waste. Jeans or jean shorts may not have any rips, holes or tears. Students eat out in the field in picnic style, so be sure to bring blankets. Many groups will bring food to share with each other.
On VOOBOO the cafeteria will be serving hamburgers and french fries. If you plan to eat school lunch, please let Vicky know by Friday, October 27. We also offer Chick-Fil-A boxes and pizza. Chick-Fil-A includes 8-nuggets with waffle chips and a cookie OR chicken sandwich with waffle fries and a cookie. Pizza choices are 8-slice pepperoni or 8-slice cheese. If you would like to purchase one of these options, please log into the Gulf Bank site starting Friday, October 6. The cost of each item is $10.00. The deadline to purchase one of these items is October 19.
Attention ALL Chipmunks!
Open House Volunteers Needed
Sign up TODAY to volunteer for Open House on Thursday, November 2nd. https://forms.gle/zW2QgoTK9ivp2mQe8
We are seeking volunteers for subject rooms, welcoming crews, the St. Joan of Arc Center, spirit hallway and MORE!
Our goal is to have the entire student body represent Archbishop Chapelle at Open House. In addition, volunteering at Open House counts for 5 CHAPELLE SERVICE HOURS!
The Student Volunteer Sign Up Form will close on Monday, October 9th @ 3PM, so be sure to sign up today!
Questions? Email Mrs. Pierce (kpierce@archbishopchapelle.org), Director of Admissions.
Families in Need
Last year the Archbishop Chapelle Community was able to assist several families in our community for the holidays! With the holidays approaching, we want to be able to assist families in our community again this year! We especially want to be able to support families to give them a fruitful Thanksgiving and Christmas. Please fill out this form by October 25th if your family is in need or you know someone in need. The form is anonymous.
Campus Ministry
Campus ministry will say a rosary at lunch in the grotto on Friday, October 13th, to celebrate the month of the rosary. All students, faculty, and staff are welcome to join us to eat lunch in the grotto and pray!
Disney Tickets
Are you going to Disney during Mardi Gras 2024?
The Chapelle Cheerleaders & Hi-Steppers will be performing in Disney Springs on Wednesday, February 14, 2024. If you are planning to go to Disney during the Mardi Gras break, you can purchase Disney park tickets through our trip. CLICK HERE to see the pricing of tickets. You must use the tickets during the week of Mardi Gras 2024. If you have any additional questions, please contact Stacy Woodward, swoodward@archbishopchapelle.org.
The deadline to order tickets is October 11.
PSAT & SAT Booster Sessions
Dear Sophomore and Junior Parents,
It's that time of year again! The October PSAT & SAT are right around the corner! We are excited to announce that Ray Dass will be hosting LIVE virtual PSAT & SAT BOOSTER SESSIONS to help ensure all of our students are prepared for their upcoming tests.
These sessions will be led by Ray Dass instructors and will provide preparation for both the Math and Verbal sections of the PSAT & SAT. They will also make sure to drive home the importance of these tests so that we can help motivate the students to give it their all.
Click on the link below to review the PSAT/SAT Booster schedule (zoom links included). The first review begins September 30th!
We hope that they take advantage of this wonderful opportunity!
Peer Tutoring
National Honor Society is excited to offer Peer Tutoring for all subjects! Tutoring will be offered during S Period. If you need a tutor please contact Mrs. Chimento or fill out this google form. https://forms.gle/gvXFkVTeNPDeRwt87
Extra Help for students with questions on any SARA™ content (Students access through their SARA™ accounts)
Sundays 6:00 -8:00 pm
Mondays 6:30-8:30 pm
Tuesdays 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Wednesdays 3:00-5:00 pm
Thursdays 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Fridays 6:30-8:30 pm
Saturdays 6:00-8:00 pm
OCTOBER 11, 2023
Please make sure all students are in school on Wednesday, October 11, 2023. That is testing day and students in grades 8-11 will be taking PSAT. Seniors will be taking the ASVAB. ASVAB helps students figure out where to find career satisfaction, helps them to hone their skills and interests, explores the world of work, and looks at post-secondary options to make informed decisions.
PSAT Testing Day, October 11
The dismissal time for all standard time students on test day will be 11:30am. Please remind parents to be flexible as students may be dismissed early or later. Extended time will be released around 12:30pm.
Information on how to access you lesson plans. There are two links. One link will show how to access lesson plans through parents web, and one will show how to students can access lesson through their FACTS account. If you have any questions or are not able to see your lesson plans, please email Mr. Wooderson at kwooderson@archbishopchapelle.org.
Helping Students View Lesson Plans
Service Hour Information
Those students MUST submit ALL COMPLETED additional service hours (Chapelle
and Community) to the Director of Service for verification of accuracy and recording
using the Service Hour Report form. These forms may be submitted at any time during
the school year. The DEADLINE FOR COMPLETION IS APRIL 15, 2024.
Matthew 25 participants should print out a copy of the
Go to: FACTS
Choose: Student Account
From Menu: Select Resource Documents
Select: Service Hour Report
For questions concerning Chapelle's Service Hour Requirements, please email Mrs. Capaci at bcapaci@archbishopchapelle.org
Service Hour Opportunities
St. Edward Cochon 2023
Volunteer opportunities from October 16 - 22 for service hours. See flyer above in the Stay in the Know section.
St. Philip Fam Jam
Fam Jam is October 13 and 14th
St. Philip Neri School
6600 Kawanee Avenue
Metairie, LA 70003
Students can earn service hours and can sign up at spnfamjam.com
Divine Mercy Parish Fair
Face Painting Booth
Friday 10/6 -- 6:00 - 9:00, Saturday 10/7 , 11:00-9:00 (2hours shifts available), Sunday 10/8, 1:00-3:00 or 3:00-5:00
Contact Toni at 504-957-2525
Louisiana Children's Museum
15 Henry Thomas Drive, NOLA 70124
Christopher Small, Volunteer Manager
11/20-22 – need 6 – 8:30-3:30 required
9th Grade and up – whole week preferred – attend interview
Compulsory try out day and orientation session
Interview 11/12 Tryout 11/18 Orientation 11/19
12/18-22 AND 12/26-29 2 DIFFERENT CAMPS
Need 6 each 8:30 – 3:30 required
Open to 9th Grade and up – whole week preferred – attend interview
Compulsory try out day and orientation session
Interview 12/10 Try out 11/16 Orientation 11/17
St. Mary Magdalen Food Pantry
Volunteers are needed to pack food boxes at St. Mary Magdalen Church. It is every Wednesday at 5:30 pm. They can contact Chris Kenney at (504)-432-3653.
Upcoming College Visits on Chapelle’s Campus
All students welcome. Visits will take place in the Counseling Office during lunch and Period S. If you would like to attend the presentation during period s, please see/email Mrs. Reeg before the visit for a pass.
October 12
October 19 (lunch only)
October 20
November 9
Save the Date
All meetings are at 6:00pm in the cafeteria.
October 25, 2023
January 30, 2024
March 19, 2024
April 30, 2024
Bullying/Harassment Policy
Bullying is a distinctive pattern of repeatedly and deliberately harming and humiliating others and is characterized by a power imbalance between the two parties. Bullying includes, but is not limited to physical or verbal aggression, relational aggression, or emotional aggression (teasing, threatening, and intimidating others). Relational aggression (RA), is a form of indirect bullying that uses social relationships to manipulate or harm others, such as isolating a student
from her group of friends (social exclusion), threatening to stop talking to a
friend (the ''silent treatment''), or spreading gossip and rumors. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, slurs, jokes, comments, or other offensive conduct relating to race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic. Bullying, relational aggression (including cyber-bullying), and harassment will not be tolerated. Please use the forms below to report bullying.
Bullying Incident Report – Student Form
Bullying Incident Report – Parent Form
Featured Posts
Parents Club General Meetings Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Tuition Incentive
As a member of Archbishop Chapelle’s Parents Club you have the option to participate in Chapelle’s tuition raffle. The winner of our raffle will be chosen at our volunteer appreciation party on May 2, 2024 and will receive $5,000 to be used towards tuition for the 2024-2025 school year. To be entered into the raffle, the following requirements MUST be met:
Please note: Each family will be required to
sign in
at every Parents Club event. Each event receives 1 credit but Prom Fest, whether working set up or day of, receives 2 credits.
Parents Club Volunteer Opportunities
Welcome to the 2023 - 2024 school year. The Chapelle Parents Club assists our school in various ways throughout the year as well as being responsible for many events that benefit Chapelle students, faculty and the community. Parent Volunteers are valued members of our Chapelle family and help us to ensure that all events are memorable and successful. Please take advantage of the opportunity to become involved and to share in Chapelle’s traditions by joining the Parents’ Club and signing up to volunteer.
Click here: https://web4u.forms-db.com/view.php?id=1837937 to sign up to volunteer.
Walking Pass
Students must have a Walking Pass in order to walk off campus at dismissal. Please complete the
Walking Pass Release if you would like your daughter to have a pass.
CCSCC Clothe-A-Child Information
We will pass the jar accepting MONETARY DONATIONS at the October PARENT’S CLUB MEETING. All donations are appreciated.
Chapelle parents are also welcome to help out the SHOPPING DAY on Wednesday, November 8th at Walmart on Veterans. VOLUNTEERS do not need to sign up in advance. Volunteers can just show up at Walmart on November 8 to help shop for clothes for underprivileged children in our area. Shopping lasts from 8:30am till about 11am. Volunteers do not spend their own money shopping; clothing is purchased with the money raised in donations. Underprivileged children in the New Orleans area are given a holiday outfit and other clothing essentials as a wrapped Christmas gift which is from the money raised from Chapelle’s Parent’s Club joined with other member schools of the CCSCC. #CCSCC #clarionherald
St. Joan of Arc Construction Closures
Cafeteria Updates
High School $2.75
High School $4.00
Salad Bar with Potato $4.50
St. Christopher's Prayer for Strength
Dear Lord,
We appeal to you for strength. Help us choose the vocation set for us. Help us take up our daily burden, as St. Christopher did. Help us navigate the hazards of this life. Help us manage the burdens upon our backs. See us safely to the other side, where we shall receive our promised reward. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.
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