PUBLISHED ON September 6, 2024


  • Monday, September 9

    2 WHITE

    Penny Wars

    7:40am - 7:47am Litany for ACHS Students

    8:00am - 1:00pm Yearbook Workshop (ARC)

    12:20pm - 1:00pm CMLT Meeting

    12:20pm - 1:00pm Quiz Bowl

    1:05pm - 1:40pm 8th Grade Elective

    3:00pm - 3:30pm STUCO General Meeting

    3:30pm-4:30pm Tennis Team Tryouts

    3:30pm - 5:00pm Volleyball(8th) Practice

    3:30pm - 6:00pm Volleyball(JV/V) Practice

    3:30pm - 4:30pm BB Weight Room

  • Tuesday, September 10

    3 GREEN

    7:30am - 7:50am Communion Service

    12:20pm - 1:00pm NHS Meeting (Barn)

    12:20pm - 12:50pm Grandparents Club Treat Day

    1:05pm - 2:05pm Grandparents Club Meeting (Fine Arts Lobby)

    1:05 - 1:40pm 8th Grade Elections

    3:30pm - 5:30pm Hi-Stepper Practice

    3:30pm - 4:30pm BB Weight Room

    4:30pm - 7:00pm VB @ St. Scholastica Academy 8/JV/V

  • Wednesday, September 11

    4 WHITE

    Penny Wars

    Progress Reports


    7:30am - 7:50am Communion Service

    12:20pm - 1:00pm Chippy Auditions

    1:05pm - 1:40pm B Clubs

    2:00pm - 3:00pm Swim Early Dismissal

    3:30pm - 4:30pm BB Weight Room

    3:30pm - 5:30pm Hi-Stepper Practice

    4:00pm - 6:00pm Swim vs Ursuline and Cabrini @ Southern University

    4:30pm - 6:30pm VB @ Ursuline 8/JV/V

    6:00pm - 8:00pm 8th Grade Parent Annual Fund Social

  • Thursday, September 12

    5 GREEN

    Senior Retreat

    7:30am - 8:30am Senior Breakfast Cafeteria

    8:30am Senior's Depart for Retreat

    12:20pm - 1:00pm Spirit Point Comp: 11th vs 9th

    1:05pm - 1:40pm 8th Grade Honors Group Meeting

    3:30pm - 10:00pm Queen of the Court

    3:30pm - 5:00pm VB Practice JV/V (Barn)

  • Friday, September 13

    6 WHITE

    Senior Retreat

    12:20pm - 1:00pm 11 Grade Grandparent's Day Lunch

    3:30pm - 10:00pm Queen of the Court

    3:30pm - 5:30pm VB Practice V (Barn)

    3:30pm - 4:30pm Cross Country Team 


    7:00pm - 8:00pm Rummel @ UHIGH (Band/Chapellettes)

  • Saturday, September 14

    7:30am - 9:30am CC vs Episcopal High School

    8:00am - 4:00pm Queen of the Court

    8:00am - 12:00pm ACT

    9:00am - 11:00am VB Practice V (Barn)

    10:00am - 11:00am Swimming 8th Southern University


  • Calendar at a Glance



Parents and Students: It has come to my attention that afternoon carpool is NOT going well. I need everyone (including grandparents) to review dismissal procedures ASAP. We MUST be good neighbors. Cars in the Chapelle carpool line are blocking traffic on Veterans, blocking driveways, etc. The police have been notified by surrounding businesses and neighbors, and will begin ticketing. THERE is NO NEED to be here right at 3:00. We will not make any student leave campus right at dismissal as we are here each day until 5:00 PM or even later. I am asking again that you review all of the dismissal and carpool procedures for the SAFETY OF OUR STUDENTS and because after Labor Day the police will be ticketing. 


Also, NO ONE should be entering the exit gates on Veterans and parking in the shell lot! This is NOT permitted.


If someone other than you is picking up your daughter, PLEASE speak to them about being a good neighbor and remind them to have respect for the teachers and administrators that are on duty. We are here for the safety of the girls. 


Enjoy your Labor Day weekend and see you soon!


Mrs. Dantagnan


2024-2025 Exam Schedule

Masked Singer Auditions

Have you ever dreamed of being on the masked singer?  Well now is your chance to be on the Masked Singer: Chipmunk Edition. If interested, click on the link in Chipmunk Tracks for "Masked Singer Audition Form”. The deadline to fill out the form to be considered is Wednesday September 11, at 3pm.

Remember, your identity must be kept a mystery as much as possible. Instructions will be emailed to you about the audition process after the form is completed. Who will be unmasked as the first Chipmunk Masked Singer?

Masked Singer Audition Form:

Tennis Team Tryouts

Tennis Team Tryouts are Monday,

September 9 FROM 3:30-4:30.  Tryouts will take place on Chapelle's Tennis Courts.  See Mrs. Beth in the Front Office for more information.

Tickets for Rummel Football Games

Tickets for all Rummel Football games (home and away games) will be sold at Chapelle during lunch on the Thursday before the game in the Perdomo Conference Room.  Ticket price is $10 at school and $15 at the gate. Payment at Chapelle can be cash or check made out to Rummel. Save money and purchase your ticket at school.  This also lets you by pass the long lines ticket booth.

Sudden Impact Volunteers for Jury

Counseling is looking for 12 volunteers in grades 10-12 to serve on the Jury for the Sudden Impact Mock Crash. If you're interested, please email 

Mrs. Chimento by September 10th 

8th Grade- 11th Grade Digital PSAT Training

On Tuesday, October 1st there will be a mandatory Digital PSAT Training for all students taking the PSAT. This is different from the PSAT test you will take on October 16th. You will miss about 20 minutes of Period S. More information will be sent regarding where you will go closer to October 1st. 

ACT Boot Camp

Chapelle is offering an ACT Boot Camp by Mastery Prep for a 1-day refresher before the September 14th ACT. This training will be held on September 7th  from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm at Chapelle. The attendees will review each ACT section to remember strategies, tips, tricks, content-specific question styles, and pacing. Chapelle will cover the training cost, but we ask you to purchase the ACT Boot Camp book for $25 to hold your daughter’s spot. This will only be available to the first 40 students who buy the book on the tuition portal. If there are empty spots available, we will open up the Boot Camp to boys who are attending area Catholic High Schools. Please have any interested Catholic school boys contact to register. They will have a different registration process. The last day to register for everyone will be September 5th.  If you have any questions, you may call 504-467-3105 ext. 5110 or email For more information about this program and a video, visit

Archbishop Rummel

Genesian Players Auditions

Archbishop Rummel Genesian Players is holding open auditions for “War of the Worlds: A Panic Broadcast.” If any student is interested in auditioning or working on crew, they simply need to arrive at the Genesian Theatre on Rummel’s campus either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week at 4pm. For further information, or any questions, please contact

Mr. Giardina (

The Word

Click the following link to access The Word:

Forms for Physicals

LHSAA Medical Evaluation Form

Athletic Participation-Parental Permission Form

Substance Abuse-Misuse Contract

2024-2025 School Year Important Dates

August 9           Check In Day (Mandatory - ALL STUDENTS)

August 12          First Day of School for ALL students (7 periods)

August 30         Holiday (No School)

Sept.    2             Labor Day Holiday (NO SCHOOL)

Sept. 12-13          Senior Retreat

October 9-11      Exams

Nov. 7                 OPEN HOUSE

Nov. 8                 Holiday (NO SCHOOL)

Nov. 13                8th Grade Retreat

Nov. 25-29         Thanksgiving Holidays (NO SCHOOL)

Dec. 5-6              Junior Retreat

Dec. 18-20          Exams

Dec. 23-Jan 3    Christmas Holidays (NO SCHOOL)

Jan. 6                  All return

Jan. 20                MLK Holiday (NO SCHOOL)

Feb. 5 and 6***  Freshman Retreat

March 3-7          Mardi Gras Holidays (NO SCHOOL)

March 19-21       Exams

March 27-28      Sophomore Retreat

April 17               ½ Day - Holy Thursday

April 18               Good Friday (No School)

April 21-23          Easter Holidays (No School)

May 21-23           Exams

***Freshman Retreat will be an evening retreat, starting after school and ending around 9pm. The freshman class will be divided into two groups based on their Theology classes, with each group attending retreat only one of the nights. All freshmen will have off on Friday, Feb. 7, as their retreat holiday.

Dates are subject to change.

Important Carpool Information

  • Students can only be dropped off or picked up in the Veterans horseshoe or the Montana St. horseshoe by the cafeteria.
  • If you enter at Veterans, you must exit onto Veterans.  If you enter on Montana, You must exit onto Montana.
  • When exiting campus on Montana you MUST turn right.  A left turn is not allowed.
  • Vehicles cannot enter or exit behind the gym during morning or afternoon carpool.
  • These restrictions are in place for the safety of our chipmunks.
  • Please help us to keep your children safe.

The carpool map is located above in the section titled "Stay in the Know".

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Junior Grandparent's Day 

We are inviting our junior grandparents to come and enjoy lunch with their granddaughters. The grandparents can treat their granddaughters to a homemade picnic lunch, a favorite dish that they cook, or a meal from their favorite restaurant. Lunch will be available for purchase in the cafeteria, as well, if that option is the most appealing. The Parent's Club will provide ice cream and lots of delicious toppings. We look forward to having our grandparents on campus!

Click to RSVP



Extra Help for students with questions on any SARA™ content (Students access through their SARA™ accounts)

Sundays 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Mondays 6:00 - 8:00 pm 

Tuesdays 4:00 – 6:00 pm 

Wednesdays 4:00 – 6:00 pm 

Thursdays 4:00 – 6:00 pm 

Fridays 6:00 - 8:00 pm 

Saturdays 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Accessing Lesson Plans

Information on how to access you lesson plans. There are two links. One link will show how to access lesson plans through parents web, and one will show how to students can access lesson through their FACTS account. If you have any questions or are not able to see your lesson plans, please email Mr. Wooderson at

Accessing Lesson Plans

Helping Students View Lesson Plans


  • Slide title

    Write your caption here


Last year, we partnered with Hallow, an amazing online resource for prayer that the students can use in the classroom and in their own personal lives! Having Hallow was a great opportunity that I know many of our students took advantage of. Between the faculty, staff, and students, the Archbishop Chapelle community prayed over 11,000 prayers on Hallow last year! 

I am happy to say that we are partnering with Hallow again this year! Every single student will have full access to a Hallow account through their achschipmunks email. They should have, or soon will be receiving an email from Hallow with more information on how to log into their accounts. The students can access Hallow through the web browser on their chromebooks, or they can also download the app on their smartphones if they have one. We will be using Hallow in the Theology classes this year, so it is important that every student knows how to access their accounts. 

Parents, Hallow also generously offers a free trial for you! Be on the lookout for more information in the future! 

If you have any questions about Hallow, please contact Mr. Gavin Matherne.

Know that we are praying for you!

Service Hour Opportunities

St. Christopher Fair 2024

October 4 & 5

Students are welcome to sign up to work shifts for service hours.

St. Ann Family Fest

Middle school and high school students are welcome to sign up to work shifts.

Laketown Village

Assisted Living

1600 Joe Yenni Blvd

Kenner, LA 70065

Service Hours Offered to help Organize Library

A schedule can be set for time of work

Sister Paula (504/214-8800)


This year, Chapelle has partnered with MobileServe, an online service to record and track service hours! We are excited to use MobileServe help us record and track every student's required service hours throughout the year. The students should have, or will be receiving an email directly from MobileServe with information on how to log into their accounts. Please see the attached flyer for more information! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Brenda Capaci.

MobileServe Helpful Hints

  • Slide title

    Write your caption here


All Chapelle Home Game Tickets Must

Be Purchased on

All regular season home game tickets must be purchased through GoFan platform. Currently volleyball season passes are on sale. Individual game tickets will be available starting next week. Cash will not be taken at the door, however tickets can be purchased at the door through the app or with a credit card. 

Click to Purchase Tickets


Upcoming College Visits on Chapelle’s Campus

All students welcome. Visits will take place in the Counseling Office during lunch and/or Period S. If you would like to attend the presentation during Period S, please see/email Mrs. Reeg before the visit for a pass.

September 16 at lunch

  • Savannah College of Art & Design

September 30 at lunch

  • Centenary College of Louisiana
  • Spring Hill College

October 1 at lunch

  • Texas Christian University
  • Vanderbilt University

October 23 at lunch

  • Syracuse University

Save the Date

College Counseling Parent Events

Financial Aid Meeting for Senior Parents

October 2, 2024

6:00pm in the cafeteria

College Planning Meeting for Junior Parents

January 29, 2025

6:00pm in the cafeteria

College Planning Meeting for Sophomore Parents

February 19, 2025

6:00pm in the cafeteria

College Planning Meeting for Freshman Parents

April 7, 2025

6:00pm in the cafeteria

Bullying/Harassment Policy

Bullying is a distinctive pattern of repeatedly and deliberately harming and humiliating others and is characterized by a power imbalance between the two parties. Bullying includes, but is not limited to physical or verbal aggression, relational aggression, or emotional aggression (teasing, threatening, and intimidating others). Relational aggression (RA), is a form of indirect bullying that uses social relationships to manipulate or harm others, such as isolating a student from her group of friends (social exclusion), threatening to stop talking to a friend (the ''silent treatment''), or spreading gossip and rumors. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, slurs, jokes, comments, or other offensive conduct relating to race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic. Bullying, relational aggression (including cyber-bullying), and harassment will not be tolerated. Please use the forms below to report bullying.


> Click for Student Form

> Click for Parent Form


Chapelle Craft Fair 2024

Saturday, September 28, 2024  |  9AM - 4PM 

The Chapelle Craft Fair is the largest free and open to the public community craft fair in Jefferson Parish. Pulling vendors and attendees from throughout the Greater New Orleans area and Southeast Louisiana, this event gathers over 4,000 people to campus each Fall to shop locally made goods. 

The Craft Fair is excited to welcome Joey LaHatte, Kenner City Councilman and father of Caroline '26 and Charlotte '28, as the 2024 presenting sponsor. To learn more about remaining sponsor levels and more details, click here...

Click for Sponsorship Info

Featured Posts

By Jamie Hanzo February 10, 2025
2025 Ochsner Super STEM Student MVPs Five Chipmunks were chosen as a 2025 Ochsner Super STEM Student MVP, presented by Ochsner Health and The Super Bowl Host Committee! The committee received project submissions from students all across Louisiana and they made it clear that our Chipmunks are student leaders in STEM and that they have developed a strong set of skills in STEM! Congratulations to the following students for this amazing academic accomplishment: 🌟 Simone Guidry - "I researched and experimented on the question, 'Which physical therapy hand exercises are most beneficial in improving penmanship in a person’s non-dominant hand?' I tested three different groups: hand-eye coordination, hand strength, and sentence repetition. I found that all of the groups produced a positive change in a person's handwriting, but repetition was the most successful." 🌟 Libbey Luminais - "I explored the work of performance trainers, which led me to investigate the impact of ankle weights on hip strength. My research question—'Do exercises involving ankle resistance weights enhance hip strength and balance time in dance?'—was tested through three different exercises using ankle weights, followed by measuring my balance time in a studio setting. Ultimately, I found that performing ankle weight exercises, particularly flutter kicks, led to a noticeable improvement in my balance time, confirming that ankle weights can be an effective tool for dancers aiming to boost strength and stability." 🌟 Alaina Sauvage - "In my project, I investigated the different effects between protein and carbohydrates and their effect on performance in golf. I performed a 2-week long experiment testing energy bars that were protein-based and carbohydrate-based. I recorded my scores each day to see if one showed an increase in performance." 🌟 Rihanna Valle - "My STEM project was testing whether or not plyometric workouts helped increase a volleyball players' jumping vertical. Being a member of the Chapelle volleyball program, I was able to receive the data that was compiled over a 6 month period of 8th, JV, and Varsity's vertical progression. Players worked out multiple times throughout the week and even if injury occurred, once the player was cleared to start working out again, the data showed that their vertical increased." 🌟 Audrey Weider - "Throughout my trials, I discovered how energy drinks and sports drinks affect athlete's reaction times in aerobic exercises. I performed experiments where I had people drink energy drinks and perform an exercise, then I did the same with the sports drinks, and water. I then compared the results to the group of people drinking water, and concluded which group had better reaction time for each drink/person!"
By Jamie Hanzo February 5, 2025
LMEA ALL-STATE 2025 🎼💚  The Louisiana Music Educators Association All-State weekend in New Orleans was nothing short of amazing! With students from all over Louisiana teaming up with world-renowned clinicians, the energy was buzzing with creativity and incredible music. Huge shoutout to Madison Adams, Peyton Klotz, and Lia Reinecke for shining in the LMEA Mixed Honor Choir and to Carina Castillion, Shelby Wells, and Abigail Wyman for representing in the LMEA Treble Honor Choir ! ...And let’s hear it for Madison and Carina , who not only hit all the right notes but also scored big in the classroom, earning a certificate and medal for academic excellence ! 🎶✨
By Jamie Hanzo January 31, 2025
📚 Congratulations to Our Q2 Honor Roll Chipmunks! 📚 We are proud to celebrate the achievements of our students who earned a place on the Q2 Honor Roll. Your dedication and hard work exemplify the values of excellence we uphold at Archbishop Chapelle. Keep striving for success as we move forward into Q3! 8th Grade Distinguished Honor Roll: Leila Abbate, Katelyn Albaral, Lily Aucoin, Maci Betz, Evangeline Birke, Ande Bohne, Ava Braendel, Sophia Brisset, Marissa Bui, Elise Cash, Megan Cash, Eleanor Cerise, Julia Clark, Alexa Comeaux, Kaidyn Cooley, Caroline Currault, Ryan Curry, Madelyn Dabdoub, Kathleen Elmer, Lyssa Foltz, Rylee Ford, Caroline Gaudet, Molly Glorioso, Amelia Hassell, Molly Johnson, Claire Johnston, Ava Kissinger, Leah LaBauve, Dior Lambert, Gianna Landry, Chloe Lange, Makayla LeCour, Trista Lerille, Hannah McClung, Brooklynn Modica, Lilyana Mosbey, Micah Mosely, Emma Myer, Marin OBrien, Sophia Organo, Elise Palm, Mallory Pansano, Isabella Pelitire, Maiya Pisciotta, Isabella Pumila, Jena Reuther, Grace Rieth, Lauren Rieth, Cambry Roberts, Emily Roop, Molly Saia, Chloe Saxton, Siena Scozzari, Brooke Sercovich, Amélie Sharp, Taelyn Smith, Lyla Steimle, Ashleigh Stemke, Blakeleigh Sticker, Lily-Grace Theriot, Mackenzie Thomas, Xenia Trejo, Sara Turnipseed, Alina Varkey, Mazie Vogel, Isabelle Wilson, Kyla Wilson, Leilani Wisecarver, Melina Wurster, Zoey Yeadon, Brees Zerby 8th Grade Honor Roll: Izabella Arregui, Parker Buras, Ava Deutsch, Madison Gauthier, Emily Hedrick, Abigail Jones, Kami Leyva, Ryleigh McMyne, Ila Meers, Lundie Mitchell, Olivia Morrish, Kailey Neill, Jillian Orellana, Kasey Orlando, Remy Robin, Olivia Rodriguez, Makaila Varnado 9th Grade Distinguished Honor Roll: Alyssa Aleman, Taylor Allen, Madelyn Allesandro, Sophia Almerico, Molly Avrard, Keira Bachemin, Amelia Becker, Angelica Bendeck, Olivia Benner, Kaelyn Berggren, Elizabeth Blackburn, Sloan Boudoin, Sarah Brechtel, Brinley Brignac, Addison Brouillette, Zoe Bush, Alexandra Chedotal, Iris Chiavetta, Rhylee Christian, Mackayla Clark, Isabella Clarke, Noelle Cody, Francesca Ducote, Sarah Dufrene, Brynn Dunn, Molly Dunn, Addison Egler, Morgan Ellerbusch, Reese Follette, Anaya Ford, Hailey Ford, Aubrey Frey, Elena Garcia, Ashley Garcia Morera, Lucy Guillot, Sophia Hansen, Emma Hawkins, Ava Held, Carolyne Hill, Reghan Howe, Sophia Indovina, Violet Jouet, Jessi Kammer, Allyson Keeley, Ava Kennedy, Ruby Kiefer, Bailey Kramer, Charlotte LaHatte, Stella Latino, Brea Leone, Shelby Lowrance, Sophia Marcotte, Gabrielle Marino, Ella Matherne, Camryn McGregor, Gabriela Mejia-Aguilar, Emma Melan, Nora Michelli, Alexis Morgan, Payton Morris, Margaux Mouton, Kristin Munch, Anna Claire Occhipinti, Emma Oubre, Leigha Parrales, Alyssa Pesantes, Jolyn Pham, Cecilia Pineda Regan, Anna Poche, Sophia Quigley, Lia Reinecke, Marigny Richards, Elise Storey, Vivian Tan, Addison Terrio, Rachel Tuck, Lilian Voiles, Isabella Whittle, Emma Willmott, Ashley Young, Zoe Zabala, Yara Zeitoun 9th Grade Honor Roll: Hailey Aucoin, Olivia Barraco, Skylar Campuzano, Lauren de la Gardelle, Layla Diaz, Alexa Ferina, Eden Flowers, Claire Hebert, Elizabeth Jones, Lantonia Mahne, Skylar Manuel, Ava Martinez, Emma Masson, Adamaris Melara, Christina Pierce, Rory Pilie, Sarah Turcios 10th Grade Distinguished Honor Roll: Madison Adams, Kendall Allen, Olivia Atkins, Harper Blackburn, Brianna Borne, Lillyana Bracamonte-Flowers, Kaia Braendel, Addison Breaux, Kylie Burke, Gabrielle Bush, Nicol Caldeira, Chloe Campbell, Allyson Cardella, Rosemarie Cardella, Gia Chester, Julia Clement, Sierra Corales, Caroline Cortez, Audrey Cure, Allyson Dardar, Madissen De Sousa, Kendall Decourt, Kamryn DiMaggio, Taylor Dubrock, Audrey Dubuc, Avery Duplantier, Emma Flynn, Amy Galvan-Mendoza, Egan Guidroz, Molly Harris, Ella Holmes, Emmery Johnson, Kalia Jones, Lena Justice, Kasey Kadinger, Kaelen Keeton, Calleigh Kies, Peyton Klotz, Helena LaForge, Emily LeBlanc, Jordan LeGaux, Allyson Leon, Allie LeSieur, Jenny Mains, Victoria McCann, Saige McReynolds, Riyan Meilleur, Nikita Molaison, Julie Mullen, Alivia Nevels, Cassie Ha-Ni Nguyen, Jillian Orlando, Rylie Panepinto, Madison Pansano, Lyla Pelle, Avery Perez, Johanna Perez, Miley Perkins, Emma Pillow, Eve Regan, Sophia Richardson, Karoline Roche', Leanne Siverd, Ja’Layah Small, Avery Spadoni, Mackenzie Stanga, Rylie Stierwald, Sophia Stutson, Allisson Suazo Caballero, Jilah Thomas, Lilly Treme', Julia Turnipseed, Aashna Varkey, McKenzie Verges, Shelby Wells, Molly White, Katie Williams, Claire Willmott, Sophia Wolz 10th Grade Honor Roll: Mya Arroyo, Alyssa Canfill, Isabella Cannatella, Marcella Casanova, Victoria Durham, Sophie Exnicios, Alison Gonzalez-Saravia, Bella Impastato, Mia Impastato, A'lajah Jackson, Makenzie Mares, Dylan McLeod, Madison Nelson, Cadence Reinhardt, Kiyomi Ricks 11th Grade Distinguished Honor Roll: Isabella Alcazar, Kylie Andersen, Kyla Apostolakis, Isabella Arboneaux, Chloe Arnold, Kali Barber, Gretchen Bassil, Ryleigh Beck, Alexa Bienvenu, Blythe Bonnaffons, Brooke Braun, Ma'Liani Butler, Kiara Carbajal, Carina Castillion, Mollie Chedotal, Rayah Christian, Logan Cooley, Alexandra Daigre, Karissa Dennis, Kelsey Doyle, Kolleen Dubroc, Camryn Ellerbusch, Samantha Fairchild, Sophia Faucheaux, Dilena Fernando, Victoria Frey, Ava Galey, Jena Gaudet, Katelyn Gauthier, Alayna Gillio, Gracelyn Gros, Ella Growl, Isabella Haik, Penelope Haley, Abby Hebbler, Madison Heintz, Isabella Holt, Abigail Huggins, Sarah Karcher, Keira Kissinger, Jaelynn Klein, Demi Kostopoulos, Ava Landry, Macey Lane, Anh Dao Le, Emily Ledet, Anita Li, Sophia Marchan, Kate Marks, Lilly McNeil, Allie Mixon, Caroline Muller, Elise Mulvihill, Riley Mumphrey, Drue Murray, Mackenzie Ory, Kayla Palacio, Maylee Reese, Delilah Richard, Emma Rogers, Gabriella Saia, Hannah Sarver, Kaleigh Scheve, Kelsie Schmidt, Isabella Schwarz, Brooke Silva, Katie Solis, Emma Stevens, Kate Subervielle, Sarah Switzer, Baylie Theriot, Emma Tran, Raegan Tuttle, Lillian Weaver, Shelby Williams, Emily A. Wilson, Emily C. Wilson, Grace Wilson, Olivia Wurster, Lilly Yavas, Alexandra Young, Evelyn Zajac 11th Grade Honor Roll: Ava Cambre, Leilani Christophe, Paige Dean, Raelyn Doubleday, Rachael Flores, A'Mari Galloway, Bella Greene, Sophia Krebs, Victoria Pelitire 12th Grade Distinguished Honor Roll: Sophia Altamirano, Emma Alvarado, Isabella Arnold, Shay Au, Gabrielle Babin, Olivia Bares, Hailey Barrios, Menasah Benoit, IsaBella Brescher, Sophia Calico, Samantha Chapman, Brooke Chevez, Mackenzie Clark, Dakota Cope, Savanna Corales, Cadance Corcoran, Sophia Davis, Kayden Dempster, Kaylee Dublin, Aubrey Dunn, Averey Dunn, Ava Edie, Keely Edrington, Olivia Farrell, Sadie Faucheux, Earla Fleischer-Djoleto, Brianna Fonseca, Rowan Fryou, Alessandra Galvan, Isabella Gibson, Alexa Grouchy, Simone Guidry, Dalila Gulati, Elizabeth Hamilton, Raegan Harmann, Nicole Hartel, Dianni Hatfield, Arabella Hebert, Destiny Johnson, Brianna Killian, Amelia Klein, Brooke LaCoste, Raegan LaCoste, Shea Lange, Libbey Luminais, Lynsey Marrone, Taylor Mateu, Stella Merrill, Layla Milloit, Katie Morel, Nyasha Mutepfa, Olivia Myer, Sydney Nuss, Maisy O'Brien, Lucy Orlando, Maelyn Orlando, Sophie Panzavecchia, Isabella Perry, Rachelann Potter, Ella Primeaux, Hailey Reuther, Brianna Ripoll, Gianna Rodriguez, Alaina Sauvage, Avery Schexnaydre, Katie Scuderi, Madeleine St. Pierre, Addison Stein, Kaitlyn Stremlau, Jenna Strider, Katherine Tuttle, Rihanna Valle, Lauren Velino, Audrey Weidner, Madison Wells, Kate Wibel, Anya Claire Wimprine, Meghan Wolfe, Kelsey Yanez, Avery Young 12th Grade Honor Roll: Ava Beaudean, Madison Clark, Ema Godoy, Payten Malbrough, Brooke Provenzano, Kara Rodriguez, Olivia Srirerg, Sophia Tran, Brie Williams
By Jamie Hanzo December 19, 2024
The Raider Band hosted a spectacular Christmas Concert at Archbishop Chapelle High School!🪈🥁🎤 On December 16, the Raider Band blessed the Burrow with amazing Christmas tunes. Families and friends gathered to listen to the incredible music they have been working on, and we feel so lucky to have been able to witness such talent. BEGINNING BAND PERSONNEL Flute Sara Avila Kayla Murphy Trumpet Myles Maranto Louis Ramirez Euphonium Mason Desselle Isabella Whittle Clarinet Rocco Le Lauren Rieth Trombone Angelo Calico Alexandra Chedotal Allyson Keeley Tuba Madelynn Carderara Braden Edgett Patrick Mackie Caroline Muller Saxophone Amelia Becker (alto) Savanna Upton (alto) Andrew Kirby (tenor) Percussion Madison Gauthier Dorian Murphy-Valle JAZZ BAND PERSONNEL Saxophones Brian Tran (Alto) Landon Lacoste (Alto) Spencer Mouledoux (Tenor) Jett Senia (Bari) Trumpet Beau Barrosse Daven Huete Aubrey Brower Ben Guggenheim Rhythm Gage Fey (piano) Wrex Palmisano (guitar) Jason Gaudet (drums) Ian Theriot (drums) Henry Mouledoux (drums) Ethan Jung (bass) Keely Edrington (aux. perc.) Trombone Maxx Henderson Carson Wagar SYMPHONIC BAND PERSONNEL Flute Earla Fleischer-Djoleto *# Kai Jones Alexandra Laura Gabriela Mejia Nyasha Mutepfa *# Trumpet Beau Barrosse *# Aubrey Brower Benjamin Guggenheim Maxx Henderson Daven Huete *# Tuba Falyn Guillot Dylan Lucurto * John Rome Devan Young * Gage Fey # Percussion Mya Arroyo (string bass) Tony Bertucci Alexandra Cella Kyle Doize * Stevie Doubleday Joshua DuMars Keely Edrington *# Jason Gaudet # Chris Haines Richard Hamilton Jonathan Lahatte Riyan Meilleur # Cole Ofstad Luis Padilla * Wrex Palmisano Carsten de la Paz Amelie Sharp Lyla Steimle Jacob Taix Ian Theriot * Raegan Tuttle # Miles Vaughn Clarinet Cohen Bickhoff Zoe Bush Skylar Manuel Horn Arthur Jackson Ethan Jung *# Brielle Matherne Devon Shelton * Henry Mouledoux Jude Sablich Julie Mullen Lia Reinecke Connor Tran *# Saxophone MacKayla Clark (Alto) Landon Lacoste (Alto) Spencer Mouledoux (Bari) Jett Senia (Tenor) Brian Tran (Alto) *# Trombone Emily Ledet # Carson Wagar Audrey Weidner *# Euphonium Paige Dean Luis Salgado Kelsey Yanez *# * denotes senior # denotes officer Italics denotes All-State member SPECIAL GUESTS Dino Catalanotto III - St. Clement 5th grade (trumpet) Ellie Concepcion - St. Clement 7th grade (clarinet) Nicholas Deist - St. Clement 7th grade (trombone) Atlas Manning - Dr. John Ochsner Discovery 5th grade (percussion) Hank Pineda - St. Catherine 6th grade (trumpet) Sho Reinecke - St. Clement 7th grade (alto saxophone) Landon Rogge - St. Clement 7th grade (euphonium) Milan Vitrano - St. Clement 7th grade (horn)
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Parents Club | Prom Fest Meetings

Monday, September 23, 2024

  • 6:15pm - Prom Fest Meeting
  • 7:00pm - Parents Club Meeting

Monday, November 11, 2024

  • 6:15pm - Prom Fest Meeting
  • 7:00pm - Parents Club Meeting

Monday, January 27, 2025

  • 6:15pm - Prom Fest Meeting
  • 7:00pm - Parents Club Meeting

Monday, April 7, 2025

  • 7:00pm - Parents Club Meeting

Grandparents Club

Treat Days & Meetings

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

  • 12:30pm - Treat Day
  • 1:05pm - Meeting-Fine Arts Lobby

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

  • 12:10pm - Treat Day

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

  • 12:30pm - Treat Day
  • 1:05pm - Meeting-Fine Arts Lobby

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

  • 12:30pm - Treat Day
  • 1:05pm - Meeting-Fine Arts Lobby

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

  • 12:30pm - Treat Day
  • 1:05pm - Meeting-Fine Arts Lobby

Tuesday, April 8, 2025

  • 12:30pm - Treat Day

Men's Club

Wednesday, September 25 

  • 7pm in the Cafeteria

Thursday, December 5

  • 7pm in the Cafeteria

Thursday, February 20

  • 7pm in the Cafeteria

Cafeteria Updates


High School $3.00


High School $4.25

Salad Bar with Potato $5.00

Personal Pan Pizza $5.00

Back to School Prayer

Dear Lord,

As our students begin a new school year, I pray that you will keep them in your care. Send your Spirit to open their minds to all that is true and beautiful and good.  Help them to see the gifts and talents you have given them and to use them well.  Help them to grow in knowledge and wisdom.  Help them to be kind to others and lead others to be kind to them.
Open their young hearts to your presence and enfold them in your peace and protection.



Please contact Ms. Vicky Smith '80, Dean of Students

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By Jamie Hanzo February 10, 2025
2025 Ochsner Super STEM Student MVPs Five Chipmunks were chosen as a 2025 Ochsner Super STEM Student MVP, presented by Ochsner Health and The Super Bowl Host Committee! The committee received project submissions from students all across Louisiana and they made it clear that our Chipmunks are student leaders in STEM and that they have developed a strong set of skills in STEM! Congratulations to the following students for this amazing academic accomplishment: 🌟 Simone Guidry - "I researched and experimented on the question, 'Which physical therapy hand exercises are most beneficial in improving penmanship in a person’s non-dominant hand?' I tested three different groups: hand-eye coordination, hand strength, and sentence repetition. I found that all of the groups produced a positive change in a person's handwriting, but repetition was the most successful." 🌟 Libbey Luminais - "I explored the work of performance trainers, which led me to investigate the impact of ankle weights on hip strength. My research question—'Do exercises involving ankle resistance weights enhance hip strength and balance time in dance?'—was tested through three different exercises using ankle weights, followed by measuring my balance time in a studio setting. Ultimately, I found that performing ankle weight exercises, particularly flutter kicks, led to a noticeable improvement in my balance time, confirming that ankle weights can be an effective tool for dancers aiming to boost strength and stability." 🌟 Alaina Sauvage - "In my project, I investigated the different effects between protein and carbohydrates and their effect on performance in golf. I performed a 2-week long experiment testing energy bars that were protein-based and carbohydrate-based. I recorded my scores each day to see if one showed an increase in performance." 🌟 Rihanna Valle - "My STEM project was testing whether or not plyometric workouts helped increase a volleyball players' jumping vertical. Being a member of the Chapelle volleyball program, I was able to receive the data that was compiled over a 6 month period of 8th, JV, and Varsity's vertical progression. Players worked out multiple times throughout the week and even if injury occurred, once the player was cleared to start working out again, the data showed that their vertical increased." 🌟 Audrey Weider - "Throughout my trials, I discovered how energy drinks and sports drinks affect athlete's reaction times in aerobic exercises. I performed experiments where I had people drink energy drinks and perform an exercise, then I did the same with the sports drinks, and water. I then compared the results to the group of people drinking water, and concluded which group had better reaction time for each drink/person!"
By Jamie Hanzo February 5, 2025
LMEA ALL-STATE 2025 🎼💚  The Louisiana Music Educators Association All-State weekend in New Orleans was nothing short of amazing! With students from all over Louisiana teaming up with world-renowned clinicians, the energy was buzzing with creativity and incredible music. Huge shoutout to Madison Adams, Peyton Klotz, and Lia Reinecke for shining in the LMEA Mixed Honor Choir and to Carina Castillion, Shelby Wells, and Abigail Wyman for representing in the LMEA Treble Honor Choir ! ...And let’s hear it for Madison and Carina , who not only hit all the right notes but also scored big in the classroom, earning a certificate and medal for academic excellence ! 🎶✨
By Jamie Hanzo January 31, 2025
📚 Congratulations to Our Q2 Honor Roll Chipmunks! 📚 We are proud to celebrate the achievements of our students who earned a place on the Q2 Honor Roll. Your dedication and hard work exemplify the values of excellence we uphold at Archbishop Chapelle. Keep striving for success as we move forward into Q3! 8th Grade Distinguished Honor Roll: Leila Abbate, Katelyn Albaral, Lily Aucoin, Maci Betz, Evangeline Birke, Ande Bohne, Ava Braendel, Sophia Brisset, Marissa Bui, Elise Cash, Megan Cash, Eleanor Cerise, Julia Clark, Alexa Comeaux, Kaidyn Cooley, Caroline Currault, Ryan Curry, Madelyn Dabdoub, Kathleen Elmer, Lyssa Foltz, Rylee Ford, Caroline Gaudet, Molly Glorioso, Amelia Hassell, Molly Johnson, Claire Johnston, Ava Kissinger, Leah LaBauve, Dior Lambert, Gianna Landry, Chloe Lange, Makayla LeCour, Trista Lerille, Hannah McClung, Brooklynn Modica, Lilyana Mosbey, Micah Mosely, Emma Myer, Marin OBrien, Sophia Organo, Elise Palm, Mallory Pansano, Isabella Pelitire, Maiya Pisciotta, Isabella Pumila, Jena Reuther, Grace Rieth, Lauren Rieth, Cambry Roberts, Emily Roop, Molly Saia, Chloe Saxton, Siena Scozzari, Brooke Sercovich, Amélie Sharp, Taelyn Smith, Lyla Steimle, Ashleigh Stemke, Blakeleigh Sticker, Lily-Grace Theriot, Mackenzie Thomas, Xenia Trejo, Sara Turnipseed, Alina Varkey, Mazie Vogel, Isabelle Wilson, Kyla Wilson, Leilani Wisecarver, Melina Wurster, Zoey Yeadon, Brees Zerby 8th Grade Honor Roll: Izabella Arregui, Parker Buras, Ava Deutsch, Madison Gauthier, Emily Hedrick, Abigail Jones, Kami Leyva, Ryleigh McMyne, Ila Meers, Lundie Mitchell, Olivia Morrish, Kailey Neill, Jillian Orellana, Kasey Orlando, Remy Robin, Olivia Rodriguez, Makaila Varnado 9th Grade Distinguished Honor Roll: Alyssa Aleman, Taylor Allen, Madelyn Allesandro, Sophia Almerico, Molly Avrard, Keira Bachemin, Amelia Becker, Angelica Bendeck, Olivia Benner, Kaelyn Berggren, Elizabeth Blackburn, Sloan Boudoin, Sarah Brechtel, Brinley Brignac, Addison Brouillette, Zoe Bush, Alexandra Chedotal, Iris Chiavetta, Rhylee Christian, Mackayla Clark, Isabella Clarke, Noelle Cody, Francesca Ducote, Sarah Dufrene, Brynn Dunn, Molly Dunn, Addison Egler, Morgan Ellerbusch, Reese Follette, Anaya Ford, Hailey Ford, Aubrey Frey, Elena Garcia, Ashley Garcia Morera, Lucy Guillot, Sophia Hansen, Emma Hawkins, Ava Held, Carolyne Hill, Reghan Howe, Sophia Indovina, Violet Jouet, Jessi Kammer, Allyson Keeley, Ava Kennedy, Ruby Kiefer, Bailey Kramer, Charlotte LaHatte, Stella Latino, Brea Leone, Shelby Lowrance, Sophia Marcotte, Gabrielle Marino, Ella Matherne, Camryn McGregor, Gabriela Mejia-Aguilar, Emma Melan, Nora Michelli, Alexis Morgan, Payton Morris, Margaux Mouton, Kristin Munch, Anna Claire Occhipinti, Emma Oubre, Leigha Parrales, Alyssa Pesantes, Jolyn Pham, Cecilia Pineda Regan, Anna Poche, Sophia Quigley, Lia Reinecke, Marigny Richards, Elise Storey, Vivian Tan, Addison Terrio, Rachel Tuck, Lilian Voiles, Isabella Whittle, Emma Willmott, Ashley Young, Zoe Zabala, Yara Zeitoun 9th Grade Honor Roll: Hailey Aucoin, Olivia Barraco, Skylar Campuzano, Lauren de la Gardelle, Layla Diaz, Alexa Ferina, Eden Flowers, Claire Hebert, Elizabeth Jones, Lantonia Mahne, Skylar Manuel, Ava Martinez, Emma Masson, Adamaris Melara, Christina Pierce, Rory Pilie, Sarah Turcios 10th Grade Distinguished Honor Roll: Madison Adams, Kendall Allen, Olivia Atkins, Harper Blackburn, Brianna Borne, Lillyana Bracamonte-Flowers, Kaia Braendel, Addison Breaux, Kylie Burke, Gabrielle Bush, Nicol Caldeira, Chloe Campbell, Allyson Cardella, Rosemarie Cardella, Gia Chester, Julia Clement, Sierra Corales, Caroline Cortez, Audrey Cure, Allyson Dardar, Madissen De Sousa, Kendall Decourt, Kamryn DiMaggio, Taylor Dubrock, Audrey Dubuc, Avery Duplantier, Emma Flynn, Amy Galvan-Mendoza, Egan Guidroz, Molly Harris, Ella Holmes, Emmery Johnson, Kalia Jones, Lena Justice, Kasey Kadinger, Kaelen Keeton, Calleigh Kies, Peyton Klotz, Helena LaForge, Emily LeBlanc, Jordan LeGaux, Allyson Leon, Allie LeSieur, Jenny Mains, Victoria McCann, Saige McReynolds, Riyan Meilleur, Nikita Molaison, Julie Mullen, Alivia Nevels, Cassie Ha-Ni Nguyen, Jillian Orlando, Rylie Panepinto, Madison Pansano, Lyla Pelle, Avery Perez, Johanna Perez, Miley Perkins, Emma Pillow, Eve Regan, Sophia Richardson, Karoline Roche', Leanne Siverd, Ja’Layah Small, Avery Spadoni, Mackenzie Stanga, Rylie Stierwald, Sophia Stutson, Allisson Suazo Caballero, Jilah Thomas, Lilly Treme', Julia Turnipseed, Aashna Varkey, McKenzie Verges, Shelby Wells, Molly White, Katie Williams, Claire Willmott, Sophia Wolz 10th Grade Honor Roll: Mya Arroyo, Alyssa Canfill, Isabella Cannatella, Marcella Casanova, Victoria Durham, Sophie Exnicios, Alison Gonzalez-Saravia, Bella Impastato, Mia Impastato, A'lajah Jackson, Makenzie Mares, Dylan McLeod, Madison Nelson, Cadence Reinhardt, Kiyomi Ricks 11th Grade Distinguished Honor Roll: Isabella Alcazar, Kylie Andersen, Kyla Apostolakis, Isabella Arboneaux, Chloe Arnold, Kali Barber, Gretchen Bassil, Ryleigh Beck, Alexa Bienvenu, Blythe Bonnaffons, Brooke Braun, Ma'Liani Butler, Kiara Carbajal, Carina Castillion, Mollie Chedotal, Rayah Christian, Logan Cooley, Alexandra Daigre, Karissa Dennis, Kelsey Doyle, Kolleen Dubroc, Camryn Ellerbusch, Samantha Fairchild, Sophia Faucheaux, Dilena Fernando, Victoria Frey, Ava Galey, Jena Gaudet, Katelyn Gauthier, Alayna Gillio, Gracelyn Gros, Ella Growl, Isabella Haik, Penelope Haley, Abby Hebbler, Madison Heintz, Isabella Holt, Abigail Huggins, Sarah Karcher, Keira Kissinger, Jaelynn Klein, Demi Kostopoulos, Ava Landry, Macey Lane, Anh Dao Le, Emily Ledet, Anita Li, Sophia Marchan, Kate Marks, Lilly McNeil, Allie Mixon, Caroline Muller, Elise Mulvihill, Riley Mumphrey, Drue Murray, Mackenzie Ory, Kayla Palacio, Maylee Reese, Delilah Richard, Emma Rogers, Gabriella Saia, Hannah Sarver, Kaleigh Scheve, Kelsie Schmidt, Isabella Schwarz, Brooke Silva, Katie Solis, Emma Stevens, Kate Subervielle, Sarah Switzer, Baylie Theriot, Emma Tran, Raegan Tuttle, Lillian Weaver, Shelby Williams, Emily A. Wilson, Emily C. Wilson, Grace Wilson, Olivia Wurster, Lilly Yavas, Alexandra Young, Evelyn Zajac 11th Grade Honor Roll: Ava Cambre, Leilani Christophe, Paige Dean, Raelyn Doubleday, Rachael Flores, A'Mari Galloway, Bella Greene, Sophia Krebs, Victoria Pelitire 12th Grade Distinguished Honor Roll: Sophia Altamirano, Emma Alvarado, Isabella Arnold, Shay Au, Gabrielle Babin, Olivia Bares, Hailey Barrios, Menasah Benoit, IsaBella Brescher, Sophia Calico, Samantha Chapman, Brooke Chevez, Mackenzie Clark, Dakota Cope, Savanna Corales, Cadance Corcoran, Sophia Davis, Kayden Dempster, Kaylee Dublin, Aubrey Dunn, Averey Dunn, Ava Edie, Keely Edrington, Olivia Farrell, Sadie Faucheux, Earla Fleischer-Djoleto, Brianna Fonseca, Rowan Fryou, Alessandra Galvan, Isabella Gibson, Alexa Grouchy, Simone Guidry, Dalila Gulati, Elizabeth Hamilton, Raegan Harmann, Nicole Hartel, Dianni Hatfield, Arabella Hebert, Destiny Johnson, Brianna Killian, Amelia Klein, Brooke LaCoste, Raegan LaCoste, Shea Lange, Libbey Luminais, Lynsey Marrone, Taylor Mateu, Stella Merrill, Layla Milloit, Katie Morel, Nyasha Mutepfa, Olivia Myer, Sydney Nuss, Maisy O'Brien, Lucy Orlando, Maelyn Orlando, Sophie Panzavecchia, Isabella Perry, Rachelann Potter, Ella Primeaux, Hailey Reuther, Brianna Ripoll, Gianna Rodriguez, Alaina Sauvage, Avery Schexnaydre, Katie Scuderi, Madeleine St. Pierre, Addison Stein, Kaitlyn Stremlau, Jenna Strider, Katherine Tuttle, Rihanna Valle, Lauren Velino, Audrey Weidner, Madison Wells, Kate Wibel, Anya Claire Wimprine, Meghan Wolfe, Kelsey Yanez, Avery Young 12th Grade Honor Roll: Ava Beaudean, Madison Clark, Ema Godoy, Payten Malbrough, Brooke Provenzano, Kara Rodriguez, Olivia Srirerg, Sophia Tran, Brie Williams
By Jamie Hanzo December 19, 2024
The Raider Band hosted a spectacular Christmas Concert at Archbishop Chapelle High School!🪈🥁🎤 On December 16, the Raider Band blessed the Burrow with amazing Christmas tunes. Families and friends gathered to listen to the incredible music they have been working on, and we feel so lucky to have been able to witness such talent. BEGINNING BAND PERSONNEL Flute Sara Avila Kayla Murphy Trumpet Myles Maranto Louis Ramirez Euphonium Mason Desselle Isabella Whittle Clarinet Rocco Le Lauren Rieth Trombone Angelo Calico Alexandra Chedotal Allyson Keeley Tuba Madelynn Carderara Braden Edgett Patrick Mackie Caroline Muller Saxophone Amelia Becker (alto) Savanna Upton (alto) Andrew Kirby (tenor) Percussion Madison Gauthier Dorian Murphy-Valle JAZZ BAND PERSONNEL Saxophones Brian Tran (Alto) Landon Lacoste (Alto) Spencer Mouledoux (Tenor) Jett Senia (Bari) Trumpet Beau Barrosse Daven Huete Aubrey Brower Ben Guggenheim Rhythm Gage Fey (piano) Wrex Palmisano (guitar) Jason Gaudet (drums) Ian Theriot (drums) Henry Mouledoux (drums) Ethan Jung (bass) Keely Edrington (aux. perc.) Trombone Maxx Henderson Carson Wagar SYMPHONIC BAND PERSONNEL Flute Earla Fleischer-Djoleto *# Kai Jones Alexandra Laura Gabriela Mejia Nyasha Mutepfa *# Trumpet Beau Barrosse *# Aubrey Brower Benjamin Guggenheim Maxx Henderson Daven Huete *# Tuba Falyn Guillot Dylan Lucurto * John Rome Devan Young * Gage Fey # Percussion Mya Arroyo (string bass) Tony Bertucci Alexandra Cella Kyle Doize * Stevie Doubleday Joshua DuMars Keely Edrington *# Jason Gaudet # Chris Haines Richard Hamilton Jonathan Lahatte Riyan Meilleur # Cole Ofstad Luis Padilla * Wrex Palmisano Carsten de la Paz Amelie Sharp Lyla Steimle Jacob Taix Ian Theriot * Raegan Tuttle # Miles Vaughn Clarinet Cohen Bickhoff Zoe Bush Skylar Manuel Horn Arthur Jackson Ethan Jung *# Brielle Matherne Devon Shelton * Henry Mouledoux Jude Sablich Julie Mullen Lia Reinecke Connor Tran *# Saxophone MacKayla Clark (Alto) Landon Lacoste (Alto) Spencer Mouledoux (Bari) Jett Senia (Tenor) Brian Tran (Alto) *# Trombone Emily Ledet # Carson Wagar Audrey Weidner *# Euphonium Paige Dean Luis Salgado Kelsey Yanez *# * denotes senior # denotes officer Italics denotes All-State member SPECIAL GUESTS Dino Catalanotto III - St. Clement 5th grade (trumpet) Ellie Concepcion - St. Clement 7th grade (clarinet) Nicholas Deist - St. Clement 7th grade (trombone) Atlas Manning - Dr. John Ochsner Discovery 5th grade (percussion) Hank Pineda - St. Catherine 6th grade (trumpet) Sho Reinecke - St. Clement 7th grade (alto saxophone) Landon Rogge - St. Clement 7th grade (euphonium) Milan Vitrano - St. Clement 7th grade (horn)
By Jamie Hanzo December 5, 2024
2024 Fall Archbishop Chapelle Athletic Awards Ceremony🏐🏊‍♀️🏃‍♀️ On December 3, 2024, Chipmunk athletes hit the spotlight at the Fall Athletics Awards Ceremony, where we celebrated their hard work, dedication, and victories! 🏆✨ From MVPs to Most Improved, and all the teamwork and hustle in between, it was a night to remember. HUGE shoutouts to our amazing student-athletes who make Chapelle proud! 💚🐿️ See below for information on specific awards: Cross Country Coach: Varsity Most Improved: Earla Fleisher-Djolato Academic Award (varsity): Dalila Gulati Swimming Coach: Varsity Most Improved: Ella Matherine Academic Award (varsity): Elizabeth Hamilton Volleyball Coach: 8th grade, JV, Varsity Most Improved: Victoria McCann Academic Award (varsity): Chloe Arnold LHSAA All-Academic Scholar Athlete Program: Presented for outstanding academic achievement by seniors who have competed for two or more consecutive seasons and maintained a cumulative Grade-Point Average of 3.5000 or higher within their sports division during their academic career while participating in varsity high school athletics. Swimming: Isabella Brescher & Anya Wimprine Cross Country: Earla Fleisher-Djolato Volleyball: Stella Merrill & Rihanna Valle LHSAA All-Academic Composite Team: Every year the Louisiana High School Athletic Association selects the All Academic Composite team for each sport. The team is made up of seniors across all classifications and divisions in each sport . Certificates are presented for exemplary academic achievement by maintaining the highest Grade Point Average among all athletes during their academic career while participating in varsity high school athletics for two or more consecutive seasons. (Un-weighted 4.0 with no B’s on any report card) Cross Country: Dalila Gulati Linda Munn Award: This award is given to student athletes that exemplify sportsmanship and teamwork. They are kind and well-rounded, these athletes care deeply about representing their school and their team in the best possible light and they display the utmost sportsmanship and school pride. This award is named in honor of Ms. Linda Munn who was a teacher and coach at Chapelle for over three decades. Ms. Munn embodied these same characteristics in her career at Chapelle. Ms. Munn is deeply loved and respected by everyone in the Chapelle family. Swimming: Anya Claire Wimprine Cross Country: Rachelann Potter Volleyball: Stella Merrill
By Jamie Hanzo December 4, 2024
The Chapelle Swim team participated in the 2024 Swim State Finals! 🏊‍♀️ On November 23, 2024, the Chapelle Swim team competed in State Finals. They swam in the 200 Medley, 400 free relay, and Alayna Fulgham-Clay swam in the 100 Breast stroke. Go Chips!
By Jamie Hanzo December 4, 2024
Senior Kaylee Dublin scores 1000 points! 🏀 In November 2024, while playing against Lakeshore High School, Kaylee scored her 1000th career point with Archbishop Chapelle High School...and the season has only just begun.  Congratulations Kaylee!
By Jamie Hanzo December 4, 2024
📚 Congratulations to Our Honor Society Chipmunks! 📚 We are proud to celebrate the achievements of our students who earned a spot on one of the Honor Societies at Archbishop Chapelle High School. The Induction Ceremonies that took place were for the following: Mu Alpha Theta National Art Honor Society National English Honor Society National French Honor Society National Junior Classical League Latin Honor Society National Junior Honor Society National Honor Society National Spanish Honor Society TRI-M Music Honor Society Honor Society Inductees: Katherine Abbott NAHS NSHS Isabella Alcazar MAO Alyssa Aleman NJCL NJHS Kendall Allen MAO NHS Taylor Allen NJCL Madelyn Allesandro NJHS Kyla Apostolakis NEHS Isabella Arboneaux MAO NEHS Chloe Arnold NEHS Olivia Atkins NSHS Molly Avrard NJHS Keira Bachemin NAHS Hailey Barrios MAO Amelia Becker NJHS Angelica Bendeck NJCL NJHS Menasah Benoit MAO Elizabeth Blackburn NJCL NJHS Harper Blackburn MAO Blythe Bonnaffons NEHS Brianna Borne MAO NEHS NHS Kaia Braendel NHS NSHS Brooke Braun MAO NEHS Addison Breaux MAO Sarah Brechtel NJCL Brinley Brignac NJHS Addison Brouillette NJHS Kylie Burke MAO Gabrielle Bush MAO NEHS NHS Chloe Campbell NSHS Alyssa Canfill MAO NSHS Isabella Cannatella NSHS Allyson Cardella MAO Rosemarie Cardella MAO Gia Chester MAO NHS Rhylee Christian NJCL NJHS Mackenzie Clark NEHS Julia Clement MAO Noelle Cody NJCL NJHS Sierra Corales NSHS Cadance Corcoran NHS Caroline Cortez MAO Audrey Cure MAO NHS NSHS Allyson Dardar MAO NHS Kendall Decourt MAO NHS Kelsey Doyle NEHS Kaylee Dublin MAO NHS Taylor Dubrock MAO NSHS Audrey Dubuc MAO NEHS NHS Brynn Dunn NJHS Molly Dunn NJHS Avery Duplantier NHS NSHS Ava Edie NEHS Addison Egler NJHS Camryn Ellerbusch NHS Dilena Fernando MAO NHS Earla Fleischer-Djoleto NEHS Rachael Flores MAO Emma Flynn MAO NSHS Reese Follette NJCL NJHS Victoria Frey MAO Rayleen Galarza NSHS Amy Galvan-Mendoza NSHS Elena Garcia NJHS Isabella Gibson NHS Alison Gonzales-Saravia NSHS Anna Gonzales NJCL Egan Guidroz NEHS NSHS Lucy Guillot NAHS NJCL NJHS Penelope Haley MAO NEHS Sophia Hansen NAHS NJCL NJHS Molly Harris NSHS Abby Hebbler NEHS Madison Heintz MAO NHS Carolyne Hill NJCL Isabella Holt NAHS NHS Reghan Howe NAHS Mia Impastato MAO NSHS Sophia Indovina NJHS Destiny Johnson NHS Kalia Jones NSHS Catherine Jouet MAO Violet Jouet NAHS Lena Justice NEHS NFHS NHS Kasey Kadinger NAHS NHS Jessi Kammer NJHS Sarah Karcher MAO Allyson Keeley NJHS Ava Kennedy NJHS Ruby Kiefer NJHS Calleigh Kies NEHS NSHS Jaelynn Klein MAO Peyton Klotz NSHS TRI-M Sophia Krebs MAO NSHS Charlotte LaHatt e NJCL Anh Dao Le NEHS NHS Emily LeBlanc MAO NHS Isabelle LeBoeuf NSHS Emily Ledet NEHS Jordan LeGaux NEHS NSHS Allyson Leon NEHS NSHS Brea Leone NJHS Allie LeSieur NHS Anita Li NEHS Shelby Lowrance NAHS NJCL Sophia Marchan MAO Sophia Marcotte NJHS Brielle Matherne MAO TRI-M Victoria McCann MAO NEHS NHS NSHS Camryn McGregor NJCL NJHS Felicity McMahon NFHS Lilly McNeil MAO NEHS NHS Gabriela Mejia-Aguilar NJHS TRI-M Stella Merrill NEHS Nora Michelli NJCL NJHS Allie Mixon MAO Nikita Molaison NSHS Margaux Mouton NJHS Julie Mullen NSHS Caroline Muller MAO TRI-M Kristin Munch NAHS NJCL NJHS Drue Murray MAO Olivia Myer NEHS Abby Naquin NSHS Alivia Nevels NSHS Cassie Nguyen MAO NAHS NEHS NHS Anna Claire Occhipinti NJCL NJHS Mackenzie Ory NEHS Rylie Panepinto MAO Madison Pansano NSHS Alyssa Parfait NAHS Lyla Pelle MAO NHS Avery Perez NSHS Johanna Perez NSHS Miley Perkins MAO NEHS NHS Alyssa Pesantes NJCL NJHS Jolyn Pham NJHS Christina Pierce NAHS Cecilia Pineda Regan NJCL NJHS Anna Poche NAHS NJCL NJHS Eve Regan NSHS Lia Reinecke NJCL TRI-M Cadence Reinhardt NSHS Angie Rendon NAHS NSHS Delilah Richard MAO NHS Marginy Richards NJHS Kenzie Robertson NAHS Karoline Roché NSHS Gabriella Saia NEHS NHS Analise Scallan MAO NSHS Kaleigh Scheve MAO Isabella Schwarz MAO Aubrey Segura NSHS Leanne Siverd MAO NAHS Ja’Layah Small NHS Avery Spadoni NSHS Mackenzie Stanga MAO Emma Stevens MAO Kaitlyn Stremlau NEHS Sophia Stutson NSHS Allisson Suazo Caballero NSHS Addison Terrio NJCL NJHS Baylie Theriot MAO Jilah Thomas NSHS Emma Tran NEHS Lilly Treme MAO NHS Julia Turnipseed MAO NEHS NHS Aashna Varkey MAO NAHS NHS McKenzie Verges NSHS Lilian Voiles NJCL Lillian Weaver NEHS Audrey Weidner NEHS NHS Shelby Wells NSHS TRI-M Molly White MAO NHS Katie Williams MAO Claire Willmott MAO NHS NSHS Emma Willmott NJHS Grace Wilson NEHS Emily C. Wilson MAO Olivia Wurster NEHS Kelsey Yanez NEHS NHS Alexandra Young MAO Evelyn Zajac NAHS Yara Zeitoun NJCL NJHS Ivy Zierhut NAHS
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